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Recipe for mayonnaise

Today it’s time to make mayonnaise. “Pouf, I’m afraid that with the day I’ve been having I’ll mess it up for sure.” Have you never thought this? Do not worry, that will never happen again. I’m going to give you the magic formula so that you will never mess up mayonnaise again.


How is it possible that only two ingredients become the richest and most delicious sauce that exists on this planet? Simply extra virgin olive oil and egg.





Mayonnaise is Spanish, well, actually it is mahonesa originating from Mahon on the precious island of Menorca. Seeing as it cost us so much to make our products known, the French already put themselves in charge of changing the name and making it globally known as mayonnaise.


Our homemade recipe will be prepared with a blender, two minutes and ready. We are just going to put 200ml of oil and an egg in the blender container. We turn the blender on and blend WITHOUT MOVING THE MIXER FOR 1 MINUTE, this is the most important part, we blend but please again I repeat it, WITHOUT MOVING IT. During that first minute the sauce will begin to emulsify, as can be seen in the video, and when that minute has passed we will begin to move the mixer very gently raising it laterally a little, but only very little and very delicately for another minute. That’s it. It’s those easy 2 minutes and that’s it. Truly, even the clumsiest will manage. The first time I did not give credit, it was thick and I did not mess it up!!! Amazing and very easy.

We can also add a splash of lemon and a pinch of salt if we want a slightly more complex flavour.


Luis Yllá


The chef of the Hotel Dador de la Musas is very vain and is convinced that I am going to congratulate him for his mayonnaise when he finishes having dinner. Someone has given him to understand that I work for a gastronomic guide. He cannot imagine the disgust that I am going to give him.

He will start by bringing me some starters accompanied by his very well-known spice mayonnaise, followed by a second dish full of rice and a lot more mayonnaise, upon which a fish sunk in mayonnaise is served, and finally he will serve me a dessert, creation of the house, with a sweet and inedible mayonnaise. He really is crazy.

When he brings me his mayonnaise in person, I will slowly and painstakingly taste it, but without any delight. And he will anxiously await my verdict; I will not say anything, absolutely nothing, in order to make him rage.

I’ll try each and every one of his mayonnaises and he’ll come and ask me about them. Then I will tell him that I do not usually comment on the foods I try in restaurants, unless they are very disappointing or, on the contrary, extremely good.

As a result of my refusal to tell him what I think about his mayonnaise the unhappy chef will nervously walk around the restaurant and come to the table where I am eating. His body will writhe in infinite impossible postures and his eyes will look around him focusing and blurring images of the mayonnaise that is on my table as if it were the treasure of Moctezuma and I its lord. And when he cannot stand it any longer, he will lean at the foot of my table to see if I’ll honor him with some praise about his yellow mayonnaise.

Since he will not be able to resist such humiliation, he will begin to cry inconsolably with tears like thick yellowish clots, and the waiters and kitchen assistants will come to collect his viscous fluids in large saucepans that they will then place in bowls to beat together with other ingredients. of your kitchen. A kitchen that I know very well after so many dinners that I have spent in the company of this unsuspecting cook, so eager for recognition.


Once finished, please place the mayonnaise directly into the fridge until consumption. As you already know, by using a raw egg, there is a high risk that salmonella bacteria develop, which are very toxic and produce salmonella with vomiting, diarrhoea and severe abdominal pain.  Resultingly, please leave the mayonnaise out of the fridge the absolute minimum time necessary and return it to the fridge immediately after serving. Ideally, consume it on the same day to avoid any health risks.

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Mayonnaise with extra virgin olive oil is an exquisite delicacy, which cannot be compared to supermarket mayonnaise. 2 minutes for preparation and it’s ready.

It can be used to accompany countless dishes, especially fish and salads. Moreover, it is one of the key ingredients of Olivier salad, which we will enjoy this summer as well.

Now, take the blender and shed your fear of preparing a flavorful mayonnaise.




Mayonnaise simple and easy to make in two minutes and with the assurance that if you follow our advice you will not be cut. Beat the oil and egg and go.
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Servings 8 people
Prep Time 2 minutes


  • 200 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 ud egg


  1. Add the 200 ml of olive oil into a small bowl or similar container.
  2. Crack the egg and add it to the olive oil.
  3. Submerge the blender in the bowl until it touches to bottom, turn it on and DO NOT MOVE IT FOR 1 MINUTE; let the oil and egg emulsify.
  4. Once this first minute has passed, start moving and gently lifting the blender slowly for another minute.
  5. Ready to serve.

Recipe Notes


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To add more flavour you can add a splash of lemon and a pinch of salt.

For those who like it, the softest flavours can be reached with sunflower oil, but olive oil has much higher nutritional qualities.

Do not forget to NOT MOVE THE MIXER DURING THE FIRST MINUTE. I may be a bit harsh on the subject, but this way you avoid spoiling the mayonnaise. If necessary, you can use your phone’s stopwatch to get the timing right.


We serve the mayonnaise in a bowl, if you have an antique or vintage dish at home. Can be adorned with a little parsley.